Jia’s INSTANT BOPOMO for Chinese Phonetic LearningStudent Edition

作者: 賈成達 Jia cheng da
出版社: 流傳文化Liu Chuan culture
ISBN: 9789867397492
定價: NT$ 250 元
特價: NT$ 250


A new tool to fast-learning Chinese Language

Jia’s INSTANT BO-PO-MO for Chinese Phonetic Teaching and Learning is an innovative teaching on Chinese Phonetic symbols for strengthening overseas Chinese teaching and a new image association teaching method to help foreign students and overseas Chinese students familiarize with and identify Chinese phonetic symbols. A “pronounce as you see” can avoid confusion and delay from pinyin. Overseas Chinese teaching becomes faster and more effective.
The entire teaching material is divided into “Teacher Edition” and “Student Edition,” providing a fast and easy teaching method to help students learn two major Chinese phonetic symbols: BO-PO-MO and Pinyin. Students may study the correct pronunciation of BO-PO-MO and familiarize with the Pinyin used worldwide to communicate on a global basis. For Chinese Language teacher, paper-based material, multimedia teaching material, abundant voice database, and DIY tools in BO-PO-MO teaching material, are the best tools in innovative teaching; for Chinese language students, it is an easy and interesting pre-study material for Chinese beginners.

Student Edition
◎ One Textbook
◎ One DVD of 37 symbol fun animations


